Dog monument “Working Dog” commissioned by Defence
To be viewed at the Memorial Square of the National Military Museum in Soesterberg
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Bronze dachshund with collar
34 x 11 x 24 cm, price on request

Rhodesian Ridgeback with puppy
25 x 25 x 11 cm, price on request

Bronze Labradoodle
16 x 6.5 x 14 cm, commissioned sculpture

Two bronze Tervueren shepherds
Life-size, commissioned sculpture

Ruwharige teckel van brons op een gepolijst zwart granieten sokkel
Bronze sculpture on commission

Bronze Jack Russell
74 x 20 x 45 cm, commissioned sculpture

Rhodesian Ridgeback
Bronze dog on a pedestal of black granite
42 x 15 x 40 cm, price on request

Rhodesian Ridgeback with puppy
25 x 17 x 11 cm, sold

Wire-haired dachshund made of bronze
Life-size, commissioned sculpture

Rhodesian Ridgeback
110 x 55 x 50 cm, commissioned sculpture

Rhodesian Ridgeback female lying down
25 x 11 x 11 cm, price on request

Rhodesian Ridgeback and Bavarian Mountain Hound puppy
40 x 20 x 35 cm, commissioned sculpture

Dachshund (Long-haired) in bronze
Bronze sculpture on commission

Dachshund in bronze in two parts, on a black polished granite pedestal
50 x 18 x 27 cm, price on request

Dachshund (Unique Piece)
18 x 4 x 8 cm Sold

Miniature Dachshund, small bronze dog, click here for more informationSold

Flatcoated retriever (Unique Piece)
11 x 6 x 10 cm, price on request

Stabyhoun (Small Dutch Pointing Dog) in bronze
Bronze sculpture on commission

Maltese lion
Bronze dog commissioned sculpture

Rhodesian Ridgeback (2D)
Dog head in bronze on commission

Chihuahua in bronze
Bronze dog commissioned sculpture

Rhodesian Ridgeback
Bronze dog commissioned sculpture

Cocker Spaniels
Dogs in bronze, click here for more information

Dutch Smoushond
Bronze dog with tennis ball, click here for more information

Cocker Spaniels
Bronze dog with stick, click here for more information

Dutch Smoushond
Lying dog in bronze, click here for more information

Flatcoated retriever puppy
Small dog in bronze, click here for more information

Dutch Smoushond
Small dog in bronze, click here for more information

Leonbergers in bronze
Click here for more information

Akita Inu head in bronze
on a pedestal of black granite, click here for more information

Small dog in bronze
Click here for more information
Commission a bronze dog sculpture
Did you know that it is possible to have your own bronze statue dog made to order? Bronze dog statues, what a beautiful memory forever!
You determine the dog's posture and desired size. It's great fun to be part of the whole process yourself.
Bronze dog statues, what a valuable gift!
During the first meeting we will discuss how the bronze statue dog may be created. Based on the size and desired posture I will make a custom quote. I use a down payment of 20% of the quoted amount. As soon as the wax model is approved I will invoice 50% of the total amount and bring the wax model to the bronze foundry. When the bronze statue dog is ready the last 30% will be charged.
Commission a bronze dog sculpture
Once the quote is approved I start with the wax model based on good photos and videos of the dog. Bronze statue dog, this is also possible if the dog is no longer there!
Ik start met het maken van een stevig fundament, vervolgens wordt het hele beeld met stukjes was opgebouwd. Het duurt even voordat de gewenste vorm daar is en vervolgens kan ik daarin gaan wegsnijden en opbouwen. Zodra het resultaat naar mijn wens is, komen we bij elkaar om het wasmodel te beoordelen. Tijdens deze afspraak kan er worden aangegeven wat er eventueel nog mag worden aangepast. Zodra het wasmodel naar wens is van de opdrachtgever, vervoer ik dit naar de Bronsgieterij. Er wordt een siliconen mal gemaakt op het wasmodel, waarna het gietproces van start zal gaan. Zodra het wasmodel in brons is gegoten, volgt het afwerken van het brons (ciseleren). Daarna wordt de kleur gegeven aan bronzen honden beelden. Dit gebeurt door middel van hitte en chemicaliën (patineren). Bronzen honden beelden worden in de was gezet en indien gewenst op een sokkel geplaatst.
Bronze dog statues, after all, your faithful four-legged friend is part of the family and how beautiful is it to have this immortalized.